제 38회 세포생물학회 하계학술대회 안내 (KSCB Summer Conference 2014)
Writer 세포생물학회
View 42
Date 24-04-17 07:46
■ 행사개요
2014년 7월 4일 (금) ~ 7월 5일(토) | |
장 소 | 충북대학교 개신문화회관 2층 |
교통 및 위치 | 충북대학교 찾아오시는 길 : http://www.chungbuk.ac.kr/kor/u01/f01/u01f01s09.jsp 개신문화회관(캠퍼스맵에서 E2 건물) : http://www.chungbuk.ac.kr/kor/u01/f01/u01f01s08t01.jsp |
■ 프로그램
7월 4일 (금) | ||
시간 | 프로그램 | |
12:00 - 12:50 | 접수 | |
12:50 - 13:00 | 개회사 (김응국, 충북의대) | |
Session I. Translational Research (좌장: 정헌택, 울산대) | ||
13:00 - 13:40 | Cell free microRNAs as a valuable diagnostic biomarker for prostate cancer |
김원재 (충북의대) |
13:40 - 14:20 | A critical role of presenilins in lung tumor development | 홍진태 (충북의대) |
14:20 - 14:40 | Coffee Break | |
Plenary Lecture (좌장: 김응국, 충북의대) | ||
14:40 - 15:40 | Physiological Roles of Phosphoinositide-specific PLC Isozymes 서판길 (UNIST) | |
Session II. Neuroscience in Biology (좌장: 서해영, 아주대의대) | ||
15:40 - 16:00 | Reciprocal regulation of autonomic nervous system by melanocortin-4 receptors | 손종우 (KAIST) |
16:00 - 16:20 | How are synapse formation sites determined during neuronal circuit establishment? | 오원종 (한국뇌연구원) |
16:20 - 16:40 | Autophagy and apoptosis connection in adult neural stem cells | 유성운 (DGIST) |
16:40 - 17:00 | Neural stem cell heterogeneity and glioma patterning in the brain | 이다용 (KRIBB) |
17:00 - 17:30 | Coffee Break and Refreshment | |
Session III. Cancer Metabolism and Nano Technology in Cell Biology (좌장: 김영명, 강원대) | ||
17:30 - 17:50 | Exploring the LKB1-AMPK paradox and Its Implications for Cancer Therapy | 전상민 (아주대) |
17:50 - 18:10 | Sestrin2 regulates selective autophagy | 배수한 (연대의대) |
18:10 - 18:30 | Exploring Outer & Inner Life with Nanoantennae : Plasmonic Nanosensors for Bio/Medical Analyses | 최인희 (서울시립대) |
18:30 - 18:50 | Polymeric nanoparticle for gene and drug delivery | 김원종 (포항공대) |
18:50 - 22:00 | Reception |
7월 5일 (토) | ||
시간 | 프로그램 | |
Session IV. Young Scientists in Research (좌장: 하권수, 강원의대) | ||
09:00 - 09:10 | 서울대 류지혜 (석박사통합과정): Cross-talk between the TM4SF5/FAK and the IL6/STAT3 pathways controls invasion and immune escape |
09:10 - 09:20 | 경북대 이원화(석박사통합과정): Transforming growth factor β-induced protein promotes severe vascular inflammatory responses |
09:20 - 09:30 | KAIST 이현승(박사과정): Role of alcohol dehydrogenase III in the hepatic fibrogenesis in mice |
09:30 - 09:45 | 경북대 이종길(박사후연구원): Acid sphingomyelinase modulates the autophagic process by controlling lysosomal biogenesis in Alzheimer’s disease |
09:45 - 09:10 | 강원의대 임영철(박사후연구원): Prevention of diabetic retinopathy and impaired wound healing by C-peptide in diabetes |
10:00 - 10:20 | Coffee Break | |
Session V. Cell Signaling and Applications (좌장: 전장수, GIST) | ||
10:20 - 10:50 | Orphan nuclear receptor ERRgamma and liver metabolism | 최흥식 (전남대) |
10:50 - 11:20 | The role of phospholipase D in intestinal tumorigenesis | 민도식 (부산대) |
11:20 - 11:50 | Discovery of molecular signature-targeted peptide probes and their applications to imaging and drug delivery | 이병헌 (경북의대) |
11:50 - 12:00 | 우수포스터상 시상 | |
12:00 - | 폐회사 및 점심식사 |