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제48차 한국세포생물학회 하계학술대회

Writer 세포생물학회 View 55 Date 24-04-17 21:36


제48차 한국세포생물학회 하계학술대회
( 2019년 7월 5일(금) ~ 6일(토) / 대전 인터시티 호텔 )

세포생물학회 회원님들께,

지난 동계학회에 보내주신 성원에 감사드리며, 제 48차 하계 학술대회 일정에 대하여 안내드립니다.

일시: 2019년 7월 5일(금) ~ 6일(토)
장소: 대전 인터시티 호텔

■ 프로그램

시간 연제 연자
2019년 7월 5일 (금)
13:00~14:00 접수
13:50~14:00 개회식
Session I (정회원)
14:00~14:30 KDM5C controls neural crest migration and eye formation during vertebrate development 이현식 (경북대)
14:30~15:00 Molecular genetic dissection of aging and longevity in C. elegans 이승재 (KAIST)
15:00~15:30 NRF2 is a negative regulator of BACE1 조동규 (성균관대)
15:30~15:50 Coffee Break
Session II (Plenary )
15:50~16:30 Transcriptional reprograming and metabolic disorders in osteoarthritis pathogenesis 전장수 (GIST)
16:30~16:40 Coffee Break
Session III (Special session: Imaging)
16:40~17:10 Brain research by Multi-photon system 성낙훈 (Olypums Korea)
17:10~17:40 Neutrophil-Gated Immune Response: To drive or To be driven? 현영민 (연세대)
17:40~18:10 Intravital multi-photon microscopy in cancer immunology 정기훈(서울의대)
18:10~18:20 한국세포생물학회 총회
18:20~19:00 Dinner (인터시티호텔)
19:00~20:00 Poster Session
Session IV (신입회원-I)
20:00~20:20 Therapeutic effects of novel Tau antibody for Alzheimer’s disease 윤승용 (울산의대)
20:20~20:40 Epitranscriptomics: the new insights into the gene expression regulation

through RNA modification
최준호 (한양대)
20:40~21:00 Apically-released exosomes in epithelial organ injury 권상호 (Medical College of Georgia)
21:00~ Happy Hour
2019년 7월 6일 (토)
Session V (젊은 과학자)
09:20~09:40 TLR4 directed mTORC1 Signaling Activates Macrophage Phagocytosis Through SREBP-1a Dependent Lipid Synthesis 이재호 (계명대)
09:40~10:00 HSP90A-TCL1A-AKT axis instigated by NANOG promotes multimodal resistance and stem-like property in immune-refractory tumor cells 송권호 (고려대)
10:00~10:20 Transmembrane 4 L Six Family Member 5 Senses Arginine for mTORC1 Signaling 정재우 (서울대)
10:20~10:30 Coffee Break
Session VI (신입회원-II)
10:30~10:50 TNF promotes SREBP activity and binding to inflammatory target genes to regulate macrophage polarization and tissue repair 박성호 (UNIST)
10:50~11:10 Enhancing Cancer Immunotherapy using Biomaterials 박천권 (성균관대)
11:10~11:30 Neuronal dynamics of social representation in the hippocampus 이도윤 (IBS)
11:30~11:50 Applications of human pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons for the developmental study

and the disease modeling
오요한 (한양대)
11:50~12:00 폐회식