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제 39회 세포생물학회 동계학술대회 안내 (KSCB Winter Conference 2015)

Writer 세포생물학회 View 40 Date 24-04-17 07:50


■ 행사개요

일 시 2015년 1월 9일 (금) ~ 1월 10일 (토)
장 소 대전 인터시티 호텔
- 주소) 대전시 유성구 온천로 92 (봉명동 545-5)
- 전화) 042-600-6006~7, 홈페이지) http://www.hotelinterciti.com

■ 프로그램

1월 9일 (금)
시간 프로그램
12:00~12:50 접수
12:50~13:00 회장 인사말 (최강열 연세대)
Session I. Development & Neuron

13:00~13:25 Insights into germ cell specification and regeneration in Lophotrochozoa 조성진 (충북대)
13:25~13:50 Interneuron subtypes and cortical processing 이승희 (KAIST)
13:50~14:15 Wnt signaling in Muller glia cell reprogramming and retinal regeneration 류정묵 (건양대)
14:15~14:40 Unconventional trafficking of homeodomain transcription factors in mammalian central nervous system 김진우 (KAIST)
14:40~15:00 Coffee Break
Session II. Metabolism Regulation

김영명/ 배순식
1500~15:25 Transcriptional control by PPARg phosphorylation and the anti-diabetic PPARγ ligands 최장현 (UNIST)
15:25~15:50 Exploring molecular pathways that link metabolism to aging 이인혜 (이화여대)
15:50~16:15 Role of SIK in the control of glucose metabolism 구승회 (고려대)
16:15~16:40 Anti-Obesity: Regulation of Adipocyte Differentiation? 배광희 (KRIBB)
16:40~17:00 Coffee Break
Session III. Special Lecture

17:00~18:00 Disease tolerance induced by AhR-IDO1 axis gives second

chance for microbes to proliferate in the septic host
정헌택 (울산대)
18:00~19:30 Dinner
Session IV. Cell Signaling

서판길/ 민도식
19:30~19:55 Modulation of Multiple DNA Repair Pathways by the Fanconi Anemia Protein SLX4/FANCP 김용환 (숙명여대)
19:55~20:20 The Core Pathway of Notch signaling and its posttranslational regulation 박희세 (전남대)
20:20~20:45 Vascular morphogenesis: temporal and spatial regulation of genes in endothelial cells 권영근 (연세대)
21:00~ Reception & Recreation

1월 10일 (토)
시간 프로그램
Session V. Young Scientist in Research

09:00~09:15 TBA MS student
09:15~09:30 TBA PhD student
09:30~09:45 TBA Post doc
Session VI. Tumor suppression

전장수/ 예상규
9:45~10:10 Programmed Necrosis : potential therapeutic strategy for Cancer stability 김유선 (아주대)
10:10~10:35 Suppression of MYC/BCL2 survival signaling by the p53-microRNA tumor suppressor axis in B-cell lymphomas 김상우 (부산대)
10:35~11:00 Kr-pok complexed with c-Jun-NCoR represses matrix metalloproteinases: Implications for emphysema 허만욱 (연세의대)
11:00~11:20 Coffee Break
Session VII. Therapeutic Application

하권수/ 이윤한
11:20~11:45 Modification of mesenchymal stem cells for therapeutic application 장우철 (부산대)
11:45~12:10 A Novel Actin Regulation by TAGLN and Its Implication on T Cell Effector Function 전창덕 (GIST)
12:10~12:35 Molecular Property of 26S Proteasome in Live Cell Revealed by Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy 백찬기 (울산의대)
12:35~ 우수 포스터상 시상 & 폐회사
13:00~ Lunch