제42차 한국세포생물학회 하계학술대회 개최
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Date 24-04-17 21:05
제42차 한국세포생물학회 하계학술대회 개최 안내
(2016년 7월 1일~2일 (금-토) / 대전 인터시티호텔)
일시 : 2016년 7월 1일~2일 (금-토)
장소 : 대전 인터시티호텔
(2016년 7월 1일~2일 (금-토) / 대전 인터시티호텔)
일시 : 2016년 7월 1일~2일 (금-토)
장소 : 대전 인터시티호텔
7월 1일 (금) (4층 라벤더홀) | ||
12:00~13:00 | 접수(4층 라벤더홀) | |
13:00~13:10 | 회장 인사말 (김재홍 고려대) | |
Session I. Biological Roles of CSCs and Oncogenes in Tumor Microenvironment KSMCB 암미세환경분과 좌장: 김용연, 전영주 |
13:10~13:35 | Salinomycin reduces stemness and induces apoptosis on human ovarian cancer stem cell | 조치흠 (계명대) |
13:35~14:00 | PGCP is a novel regulator of Wnt/ B-catenin signaling in HCC metastasis | 김남순 (KRIBB) |
14:00~14:25 | Targeting Tumor Glucose Metabolism for Cancer Therapy | 박인철 (원자력의학원) |
14:25~14:45 | Coffee Break | |
Session II. Cancer and Disease 좌장: 박성규, 김병철 |
14:45~15:10 | STAT3 as a therapeutic target for cancer stem cells &tumor microenvironments. | 예상규 (서울대) |
15:10~15:35 | Characterizing hypothetical gene as a putative regulator for cell survival | 고성호 (국립암센터) |
15:35~16:00 | Elongation factor P-mediated virulence gene expression in infectious diseases | 이은진 (경희대) |
16:00~16:20 | Coffee Break | |
Session III. ROS in diseases 이화여대 바이오레독스시스템 연구센터 좌장: 배윤수, 채한정 |
16:20~16:45 | Activation of NADPH oxidase (Nox) in atherosclerosis and development of Nox inhibitor as a therapeutic candidate for atheroma | 배윤수 (이화여대) |
16:45~17:10 | Neutrophil pyroptosis mediates pathology of P. aeruginosa lung infection in the absence of the NADPH oxidase NOX2 | 유지환 (연세대) |
17:10~17:35 | A cell survival role of mitochondrial-releasing Hsp60 in cells exposed to oxidative stress | 강상원 (이화여대) |
17:35 - 18:00 | Regulation of actin assembly and immune response by MsrB1 | 이병천 (고려대) |
18:00 - 18:10 | 총회 | |
18:10~19:00 | Dinner (3층 파인홀) | |
19:00~20:00 | Poster Session (4층) | |
Session IV. Plenary Lecture 좌장: 정헌택 |
20:00~21:00 | Peroxiredoxin as a Regulator and Sensor of Local Hydrogen Peroxide | 이서구 (연세대) |
21:00~23:00 | Reception &Recreation (3층 파인홀) | |
7월 2일 (토) (4층 라벤더홀) | ||
7:00~ 9:00 | Breakfast (3층 파인홀) | |
Session V. Young Scientist Session 좌장: 정원일 |
9:00~9:10 | Knockdown of RPL9 expression inhibits colorectal carcinoma growth via the inactivation of Id-1/NF-κB signaling axis |
백인혜 (계명대) |
9:10~9:20 | Molecular mechanism of vascular endothelial growth factorinduced vascular leakage in the retina of diabetic mice |
이연주 (강원대) |
9:20~9:35 | A secreted integrin-β like molecule Itgbl-1 modulates IntegrinECM interactions and promotes cartilage development |
송은경(울산과기대) |
Session VI. Molecular Imaging 좌장: 민도식, 배순식 |
9:40~10:05 | Advanced Cryo-EM Technology from cell to molecule | 정현석 (강원대) |
10:05~10:30 | Real-time Dynamics of Leukocyte Migration in Inflamed Tissues - Lesson from Intravital Imaging - | 현영민 (연세대) |
10:30~10:55 | Optogenetic Control of Cell Signaling in Cells and Animals | 허원도 (KAIST) |
10:55~11:15 | Coffee Break | |
Session VII. Neuroscience and Brain Disease 좌장: 김상우, 김정웅 |
11:15~11:40 | Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) targets Down syndrome candidate region 1 (DSCR1/RCAN1) to control neuronal differentiation | 서수련 (강원대) |
11:40~12:05 | Let it grow - understanding mechanisms of axon regeneration | 조용철 (고려대) |
12:05~12:30 | ll type-specific activation of RAS signaling in learning disabilities:Implications for developing individualized medicine | 이용석 (중앙대) |
12:30~13:00 | 우수 포스터상 시상 &폐회사 | |
13:00~14:00 | Lunch (3층 파인홀) |