제43차 한국세포생물학회 동계학술대회 개최
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Date 24-04-17 21:08
제43차 한국세포생물학회 동계학술대회 개최 안내
( 2017년 1월 5일~6일 (목-금) / 여수 디오션 리조트 & 호텔 )
일시: 2017년 1월 5일~6일 (목-금)
장소: 여수 디오션 리조트&호텔
■ 프로그램
( 2017년 1월 5일~6일 (목-금) / 여수 디오션 리조트 & 호텔 )
일시: 2017년 1월 5일~6일 (목-금)
장소: 여수 디오션 리조트&호텔
■ 프로그램
2017년 1월 5일 (목) | ||
13:00~14:00 | 접수 | |
Session I. Immune Response and Diseases 좌장: 하권수 (강원대) |
14:00~14:30 | DD-S001 as an LPS removal and bactericidal agent: a novel therapeutic approach to combating severe Gram-negative sepsis | 박영민(건국대) |
14:30~15:00 | NAD+ augmentation ameliorates acute pancreatitis through regulation of inflammasome signaling | 소홍섭(원광대) |
15:00~15:30 | Trifluoperazine (TFP) induces necroptosis-like cell death through non-canonical NF-kB-dependent RIP3 expression in glioma cells | 권택규(계명대) |
15:30~15:30 | Coffee Break | |
Plenary lecture 좌장: 김재홍 (고려대) |
15:50~16:30 | p21-activated kinases (PAKs): a novel target in cancer and neurodegenerative diseases | 김응국(충북대) |
Session II. Cancer and Molecualr mechanisms 좌장: 최강열 (연세대) |
16:30~17:00 | A novel chemotherapeutic agent to treat tumors with DNA mismatch repair deficiencies | 명경재(UNIST-IBS) |
17:00~17:30 | Transmembrane 4 L six family member 5 for liver diseases | 이정원(서울대) |
17:30~18:00 | Regulation of DISC-mediated apoptosis by the UIM domain protein | 허강민(충남대) |
18:00~18:30 | Targeting of liver cancer stem cells | 이윤한(계명대) |
18:30~19:30 | Dinner | |
Session III. 신입회원 셰션 좌장: 고영규 (고려대) |
19:30~19:50 | Structure and mechanism of activity-based inhibition of the EGF receptor by Mig6 and clinical implication of novel EGFR targeted therapy | 조정희(단국대) |
19:50~20:10 | Nutrient-sensing nuclear receptors coordinate autophagy | 이재만(경북대) |
20:10~20:30 | Application of 3 Dimensional Electron microscopy (3DEM) in Cell Biology | 문지영(을지대) |
20:30~20:50 | Phagocytic roles of astrocytes in the healthy and diseased brain | 정원석(KAIST) |
20:50~ | Happy hour | |
2017년 1월 6일 (금) | ||
Young Scientists Research 좌장: 전용필 (성신여대) |
09:00~09:15 | Epigenetic regulation of Kcna3-encoding Kv1.3 potassium channel by cereblon contributes to regulation of CD4+ T-cell activation. | 강정아(GIST) |
09:15~09:30 | Regulation of excitatory synapses by the synaptic adhesion molecule SALM4 | 이은경(KAIST-IBS) |
09:30~09:45 | Pleiotropic roles of metallothioneins as regulators of chondrocyte apoptosis and catabolic and anabolic pathways during osteoarthritis pathogenesis | 원윤경(GIST) |
09:45~10:00 | Suppression of Colorectal Cancer by Simultaneous Destabilization of β-Catenin and Ras via a Small Molecule Binding of the Axin-RGS Domain | 차부현(연세대) |
Session IV. 정회원 세션 좌장: 김용연 (암센터) |
10:20~10:50 | Functional analysis of Novel Regulators of Hippo Signaling Pathway | 조익훈(서울시립대) |
10:50~11:20 | Efficient and rapid cellular delivery of therapeutic proteins using EXPLOR technology: exosomes engineering for protein loading via optically reversible protein–protein interaction | 최철희(KAIST) |
11:20~11:50 | Phospholipase D1 as a nodal modifier in colon cancer mediates pivotal crosstalk between major tumor suppressor and oncogenic pathways | 민도식(부산대) |
11:50~12:20 | Antagonistic Regulation of SPIN90 and Microtubule Acetylation in Fibroblast Favors Cancer progression | 이상명(중앙대) |